
soil testing farming horticulture home study
Forestry and grazing – an example of integrated mixed farming.

Apps Laboratories, a soil and water testing lab is now offering the first in a range of mentored courses for people in farming, horticulture and all fields of agriculture. The move to courses builds on our experience and reputation in farm and environmental services.

Our courses are designed with 3 main objectives in mind:

  • to help derive a benefit from the land whether its a large farm, garden, hobby farm or venture in horticulture. This might be making an income, being able to grow your own food or having something to barter or share.
  • helping to achieve a good lifestyle and to contribute to the local community and to the economy.
  • and last but not least maintaining and possibly improving the productive capacity of the farm or garden.

Our courses provide a logical progression of knowledge and skills centred around the concept of profitable farm and horticultural production. The individual modules recognize the need to more fully understand the building blocks of on-going profitable and rewarding farming. These are squarely in the areas of soil and fertility management, plant / crop / pasture production, sustainable animal and plant production and integrated farm management.

Who should take Apps Labs courses?

  • Potential farmers, horticulturalists and gardeners.
  • Farmers who already farm but who need to extend their skills and knowledge about what underpins successful farming.
  • Farmers who want to explore new possibilities or ideas.
  • Farmers who want to review their activities or adapt their farming practices.
  • New farmers who want to take advantage of existing farming knowledge and experience.
  • just ordinary folks who want to explore farming and gardening at any level from big farms to backyards to hobby farms.
  • people who are excited about learning new and interesting things about farming and horticulture.
  • Homesteaders who want to explore self sufficiency and sustainability.

Who is behind Apps Labs? Dr Tim Apps PhD is a scientist and dairy farmer. Tim’s early experiences living on and visiting farms started him on a quest to better understand the factors that underpin sustainable farm production and profitability. “Over the years I’ve seen too many farms and farmers fail to flourish. I put this down in large part to lack of access to up-to-date knowledge and the support needed to focus this knowledge into plans for sustainable farming” (Dr Tim Apps).

We will be looking for tutor / mentors for a range of modules. For more info on your new role please see Information for prospective Mentors.

For info please contact us at tim@appslabs.com.au

New courses:

Planning a farm, not sure what to do next? This Module is for you. For new farms (and even for existing farms) Assessment and plan for a new farm.

Module details: Assessment and plan for a new farm.

Further info tim@appslabs.com.au